Monday, March 3, 2008

Free Indonesia - English Dictionary by Indict SatuVisi

Cari Kamus? coba pakai Indonesia - English Dictionary by Indict SatuVisi!
Saya sudah pakai Indict Indonesia-English Dictionary ini sejak kurang lebih 4 bulan yang lalu, keren bisa dimodifakasi dan entrinya bisa ditambah. Mungkin kamus yang satu juga bisa dijalankan di Linux, secara program ini di bawah UNIX project. Mau download? Download Indonesia - English Dictionary by Indict SatuVisi di sini.

I've been using this dictionary for more than 4 months now, and this dictionary is so cool, you can also add some new word entries into this dictionary. This "kamus" is developed under unix project by indict satuVisi. Download the Indict satuVisi Dictionary here.

DOCX Converter

docx2rtf, nama softwarenya! setelah berkelana melalui petunjuk mbah Google saya akhirnya menemukan software untuk convert file dari docx ke bentuk rtf, dan doc, atau juga bisa dipake convert file dari doc ke pdf, jujur memang setelah ms.word 2007 rilis banyak orang yang kebingungan dengan ekstensi file ms.word 2007 yang docx itu, sementara kebanyakan orang masih terbiasa dengan format lama seperti doc. ya ayo download docx2rtf di sini.

Bingo! I got it! the docx converter! , few days ago my friends asked my help to convert a docx (MS.Word 2007 file), then I said yes but I still have no idea what to do at that moment, but anyway I can ask uncle Google for it, then after a few minutes I found a cool tool to convert, yes! a docx converter, from docx file into rtf and pdf as well, it just takes a few seconds to convert, an no need to install, all you need to do is just to extract the file from the rarred file, and then just click the exe file there!, you can download the docx2rtf here

and thanks to nativewinds for this cool tool.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It's time to log out

It's time to log's time log out all of your tiredness...tedium...restless